Our Projects

Tonbridge Primary Schools

We’re running a project with three Tonbridge primary schools in which we help them to put up swift boxes and we offer ongoing learning support to communicate the wonder of swifts to the pupils - hopefully, one day, with the benefit of video from inside an occupied swift nest. The first two schools have had their swift boxes installed and we’re hoping that the third will follow soon.

Sussex Road Primary School

We’ve been delighted to be able to help Sussex Road Primary School install a four-nest swift box. The school already has a colony of house martins and a thriving outdoor classroom, and we’re hoping that soon swifts will be adding to the spectacle!

Many thanks to JPS Renewable Energy for putting the box up free of charge.

St Margaret Clitherow RC Primary School

St Margaret Clitherow RC Primary School in Trench Road, Tonbridge, has put up three swift nest boxes. There is a swift colony nearby and we’re keeping our fingers crossed that swifts will take up residence at the school.

Cranbrook School

This is a High Weald Swift project at Cranbrook secondary school being run in partnership with its Ecology Club. The school does have Swifts nesting already, so it is hoped that the boxes will help the colony to grow.

We are all grateful to Impeckable and to a private benefactor for their support in making it happen.

Trinity Arts Centre

Each church tower is unique and this one was no exception. After looking at various versions it was decided that the nest boxes needed to be specially designed and made so that they could be fitted in-between the louvres, from the inside.

Fitting them from the inside allows more to be added at a future date without the need for expensive scaffolding. It also means that nest box cameras can be added easily at a future date and the boxes can be serviced as and when necessary.

A call system will also be installed, to help convince the birds to explore the boxes. Thankfully the centre has a member of staff with the skills to make the boxes in-house. Lets hope the swifts will find a way there soon and make the tower experience even more thrilling for visitors!

High Weald Swifts were recently asked to advise Trinity Arts Centre about the installation of swift boxes on the tower.

  • The Arts Centre, formerly the Holy Trinity Church, in the centre of town, is currently benefitting from lottery funding to renovate the tower.

  • The plan is to install a stairway all the way up to the top for visitors to enjoy the incredible views. As part of the scheme it is hoped that swifts can be encouraged back and make their summer homes there once again.

Goudhurst Village Hall

The hall was well placed for installation of swift boxes as there was a direct flight path for any nesting birds across the pond and it was in reasonable proximity to birds thought to be nesting opposite the pub. In high summer swifts are regularly seen over the pond area as well as the surrounding houses. With the addition of a small sound system capable of playing swift calls, we’re hopeful that swifts will soon be attracted to this as a new site.

St Mary’s Church, Goudhurst

The new swift boxes on the tower of St Mary’s Church, Goudhurst. This great project was completed by volunteers in May 2021

Tonbridge GP Surgery

When the new medical centre was proposed and approved by the planners, initial contacts were made with the developers to suggest the inclusion of swift bricks as the site was not far from a known colony in Victorian houses south of the railway station. There was little response from these initial efforts but after contacting Tonbridge and Malling Council the Head of Planning agreed to support our group. She wrote to the developers and they agreed to install 6 swift bricks. Our group was able to advise them on the placement and style of bricks. From experience, developers are often reluctant to include what is a cheap and easy addition to a build and sadly at this time, our Council can only recommend and not insist, even though the inclusion of swift bricks on all new builds is a County target for 2025........but persistence sometimes pays off.

St. Stephen's Church - South Tonbridge

Up until the early 1990s, swifts were often seen circling the tower and it can only be assumed that pairs did actually nest there. When the tower was renovated at that time all birds including any swifts were excluded by the installation of netting and sealing of gaps. In around 2018,  a small group of swift-loving church members, supported by our group, persuaded the church authorities to let them install a number of swift boxes between the louvres on the tower and in front of the netting. A swift calling system was also installed. In 2022 and 2023 a few swifts were regularly seen swooping around the tower and it is hoped that 2024 will see them nesting there once again.