Swift Bricks & Boxes

Swifts are loyal to their traditional nest sites, returning each year to breed – but this is when problems arise. Modern homes are well insulated and when repairs are undertaken, new soffits, fascias and cavity wall insulation can prevent them accessing their nests. Many older properties have also been renovated, with holes and gaps sealed, leaving birds homeless and unable to breed. 

The good news is that swifts will adopt specially designed nest boxes and by providing these boxes, we can start to stabilise their numbers. It can take time for swifts to colonise a new nest box, but you can improve the odds considerably by installing a call system. We have known of properties where swifts have moved in within hours of a box being installed and others where it has taken several years. Patience is key. Never give up hope!

External swift boxes should be placed at least 4 metres up from the ground, with a clear flight route to the opening. Ideally boxes would not be placed on a south-facing wall, but we know of numerous occupied swift boxes on south-facing walls and sometimes this can be the best place, particularly if the box is shaded for large parts of the day (e.g. by overhanging eaves).

Please do not take any risks whilst installing boxes; aerial installers, builders and other professionals used to working at height might all be prepared to do the work safely for you. The National Federation of Roofing Contractors encourages its members to install nest boxes - their guidance note can be found at https://www.nfrc.co.uk/knowledge/sustainability.html.

It is not necessary for the boxes to be cleaned out after use, although your resident swifts might appreciate it if it’s possible and safe to do so, especially if the box has previously been used by other species. Nest box cameras with specially designed lighting can be fitted inside swift nest boxes and can provide a wonderful glimpse into their private world.

We are happy to advise on the best location and nest box type for both individual properties as well as public buildings (e.g. libraries, offices) and churches. Please get in touch via the Contact Us page.

There are plenty of swift boxes available to buy. Some of our favourites are listed below. And if you’d like to make one for yourself, there are a number of plans available on the internet - Swift-Conservation.org has a few suggestions.

  • The ‘S’ Swift brick

    Spanning a single line of bricks, the ‘S’ Brick provides a suitable home for swifts within a small area of the wall so as not to disrupt the line of bricks, whilst still providing the swifts with sufficient room. Available in galvanised steel or Palight PVC foamboard. It can be made to different brick sizes and cavity widths. Includes a built-in nest form.


  • John Stimpson Model Zeist and Model 30 Box

    John Stimpson Model Zeist and Model 30 Box

    The all-plywood Zeist Box is suitable for under eaves. The Model 30 nest box (shown here) is ideal for exposed locations as the plywood edges are sheltered and facing downwards, thereby not allowing water to accumulate. The double thickness, waterproof roof, made of uPVBC, offers protection from the elements; the sloping 30° angled roof helps deter predators. Order direct from John Stimpson. From £20 plus p&p for the Zeist Box and £30 plus p&p for the Model 30.

    An MDF nest form is supplied with either nest box type.

    j.stimpson1@btopenworld .com or phone: 01353 740451

  • Peak Boxes nest box

    Made from fully sustainable plantation plywood, these boxes are durable, with excellent rain resistant qualities, also fungi and insect resistant. The box thickness is 18mm which gives them structural stability and helps keep them cooler, with good ventilation. The adhesives and finishes are water based and environmentally friendly. Single and double eaves boxes are available from £45 for single box, doubles from £79. If space is tight, then a two-tier under eaves box is a good option. Apex boxes start from £170 for a two-tier box, other tier options available. Bat backs available for all models.


  • Impeckable nest box

    These nest boxes are made from fibreglass and are guaranteed for 50 years. They can be made to any colour to match the surrounding buildings or walls. Available with single, double or quadruple nest chambers: prices start from £86 For a single chamber, £148 for a double chamber, £260 for a 4-chamber box. Each box comes supplied with an elliptical nesting tray per apartment.

    As an additional extra, a canopy can be purchased which deflects most of the heat from direct sunlight, reducing the internal temperature, so keeping the young cooler in the day. The canopy option also means boxes can be sited on a south facing wall, as well as offering extra protection for more exposed sites. Prices from £40 for a single nest box canopy.

    For gable ends, you might prefer a Gable End Colony nest box, measuring 93cm (base length) and 53cm (base to apex). Stock colours are white (coolest), terracotta or light stone. Again, this can be tweaked (at no extra cost) to match individual property. Each breeding compartment supplied with an individual nest tray.


  • The Ibstock Swift Brick

    Carefully designed for both new and retrofit buildings, where there is a requirement to provide habitat for birds. These easy to fit swift bricks can be positioned under eaves or high up on walls. Available in a range of clay or cast stone finishes.


Call Systems

We strongly recommend purchasing a call system. Playing calls for just an hour or two in the morning or evening will alert swifts nearby. The calls don’t need to be played at full blast and you can easily set a timer. 

A Multi Bird Sound system is available from Peak Boxes. Each unit comes with a waterproof speaker, 10metres of cable, a USB stick with one pre-recorded swift call, a screwdriver and a power cable. Additional speakers and cables are also available. From £47.50.

Link here to multi bird call system