Swift Surveys
Help us with a swift survey to find out where swifts are locally so we can help protect their nests.
If you’d like to do a swift survey, here are some hints to help you get started. You don’t need binoculars or special equipment; all you’ll need is an hour to spare in the evening and a mobile phone for sending us your results. Pick a street which might have a swift colony in it and go out and watch what happens - the best time is in the hour before dusk on a warm, still day. Look for swifts flying low over the street, “screaming”, “banging” (flying up to nest boxes or nest spaces but not actually entering them) or entering nest spaces. If you see swifts entering nest spaces, make a note of where those spaces are.
Our online survey submission form is at https://forms.office.com/e/EGDgZXJ3nr.
Please also let us know of any proposed housing developments near you, so we can comment on the plans and request the inclusion of swift bricks. You can send us an email at trustees@highwealdswifts.co.uk.
Swift Mapper
Swift Mapper is a free website and mobile phone app which you can use to log records of breeding swifts. This helps to build a picture of where swifts are nesting locally. It indicates where active nest sites need protection and areas where new nesting opportunities would be helpful. Visit the Swift Mapper website at www.swiftmapper.org.uk or look for the Swift Mapper app in the Android or Apple app stores.
Swift Boxes
Spread the word!
Encourage your friends, family, work colleagues, neighbours to put up a swift box. Treat yourself and your swifts to a swift box. Visit Swift Bricks/Boxes for further details.

Be Wildlife Friendly
Swifts only eat insects, so activities which encourage insects are beneficial. These include encouraging wildflowers to grow, building a pond, and avoiding using pesticides and insecticides. Make your garden a haven for pollinators! Plant native wildflowers and don’t be too tidy. Leaves and log piles all provide important homes for insects.
Support our local events
We attend local events and give talks to local groups and societies to educate and inform. Volunteers are always welcome. Get in touch to find out more.
Follow us on social media
We’re on Facebook and Instagram. Sign up to keep up to date with all things swift related.
As a registered charity, we’re always delighted to receive donations to help us do our work. Your donation will help us provide nesting spaces for swifts and raise awareness of the problems which they face. To make a donation, please contact the trustees at trustees@highwealdswifts.co.uk or talk to us at one of our events. If you pay UK income tax, and would be willing to make a Gift Aid declaration, we will be able to recover a further 25% of your donation from HMRC at no cost to you. We can provide you with a suitable Gift Aid declaration form.