Our Aims
Promoting the conservation of swifts in Goudhurst, Tonbridge and other surrounding villages in the High Weald Area.
Click here to learn more

Click here to learn about swifts and about their amazing journey to Africa!
How you can help…
Would you be able to put up a swift nestbox on or in your house? They’re not expensive and can be very inconspicuous, and swifts are very tidy animals. Click here for more information about swift nest boxes.
Could you spare an hour of your time on a summer evening to do a swift survey for us? You only need a mobile phone, and by helping us identify swift nesting sites you can help us protect and expand them. Click here to find out what you can do to help swifts!
If you can’t put up a swift box but would like to help us in our work, would you be able to make a donation? £25 buys a swift nest box for a family or school which otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it. If you’d like to make a donation, please contact the trustees at trustees@highwealdswifts.co.uk.
We’ve been working to help swifts in Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, Goudhurst and surrounding areas since February 2020. In 2023 we became a registered charity.